DEFRA has issued a clarion call to fresh produce players to report on the departments performance in delivering statistics.
DEFRA is asking for feedback on the value and use of its statistical products to stakeholders as part of its review to reduce public expenditure.
As well as seeking to prioritise its products, DEFRA is looking at the frequency of data collection and level of detail required, including challenging EC requirements for the collection of certain data where appropriate.
The current data series includes basic horticultural statistics; agricultural market reports; agriculture in the UK; the farm business survey and its expenditure and food survey, Family Food.
In a statement, DEFRA said: “[We] recognises the central importance of being able to use and publish high quality, accessible statistical information and then being able to analyse this information as a key part of policy development.
“The Department’s Government Statisticians provide this capability and are key to DEFRA’s ability to understand and develop data sources, in order to support the policy making process.
The Fresh Produce Consortium is calling on the industry to offer feedback and will prepare a response for DEFRA on behalf of the industry for which the submission deadline is 13 August.