The government agrees with most of the recommendations of the Saphir report, and readily accepts that the London markets should be allowed to develop in competition with each other.

Although current legislation does provide constraints to such developments, the view is held that legislation should be amended or repealed when the opportunity arises.

However, the government does acknowledge the role played by the markets in the areas they reside. And their impact on the local economy and environment will need to be taken into account in wider decisions on economic and town and country planning.

But it was quick to comment that the corporation's proposal to develop a single composite market at New Spitalfields is a significant departure from the report's recommendations.

With regards to New Covent Garden Market, of which Defra is landlord, the government still intends to cease involvement as soon as necessary arrangements can be made. However, it intends to secure an arrangement, which will maintain the market as a going concern.

The government has said it will welcome any investment of private finance into the site. And for the future development of the market it will consider proposals from all sources.