Lord Whitty believes the conference will give suppliers and buyers the chance to understand each other's requirements

Lord Whitty believes the conference will give suppliers and buyers the chance to understand each other's requirements

Defra has announced details of a conference aimed at promoting the purchase of more sustainable foods by public bodies.

The conference forms part of a major government review into the way food and catering services are purchased by public authorities including hospitals, prisons, schools, government departments and councils.

Food and farming minister Lord Whitty will be one of the keynote speakers. He said: "Buyers at many hospitals, schools and local authorities are asking themselves if the food in their canteens is as nutritious as it should be, whether it could come from more sustainable sources and if local producers are getting a proper chance to win their contracts. The conference gives buyers and suppliers the opportunity to understand each other's requirements."

Other keynote speakers at the event will be; UK sustainable development commission chairman Jonathon Porritt, sustainable food and farming strategy implementation group chairman Sir Don Curry and NHS purchasing and supply agency chief executive Duncan Eaton.

The conference takes place on November 26 at The Novotel London Euston. Places for delegates can be booked on www.sustainablefoodprocurement.org or by phoning 0800 542 9590.
