There is really only question you can ask a grower, particularly of veg and potato crops, at the moment: “How badly have you been hit?”
With the outlook for the coming weeks not looking good either, it seems inevitable that there will be significant shortages of UK supply.
At least there are now the first signs of retailers reacting to the crisis, with Tesco announcing that it is relaxing its specifications on top fruit to allow hail damaged crops in store. The attached labelling pointing out growers’ plight is a good marketing tool that should encourage consumers to buy.
This first step is extremely welcome, but it needs to go further. We are already seeing prices on some items of produce spiralling at retail, but it is essential that these increased returns are passed back on to the grower to ensure that they can continue in business.
It is no good upping prices in the name of bad weather if the people who are suffering the most cannot invest in replanting.
The industry is working almost as one to get across the message about the massive crop losses. And now the retailers seem to be listening, let’s hope some of the damage can be offset.