Prime Minister Keir Starmer appoints Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner as farming minister

Zeichner was the shadow farming minister for three years before Labour won the election

Zeichner was the shadow farming minister for three years before Labour won the election

Image: Fresh Produce Consortium

Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner has been appointed as the UK’s new farming minister after Labour swept to power last week (5 July).

Zeichner, who has served as shadow minister for environment, food, and rural affairs for three years, is said to bring a wealth of experience to the role.

Known as a “life-long environmentalist” with a deep interest in agriculture and food issues, Zeichner has been an MP since 2015, consistently advocating for sustainable farming practices.

Farm groups welcomed his appointment on social media, with NFU deputy president David Exwood saying on X: “Congratulations Daniel. I look forward to working with you. We appreciate the engagement you’ve had with the agriculture industry over a number of years and the understanding you bring to the role.”

Zeichner’s appointment follows the recent naming of Steve Reed as the secretary of state for environment, food, and rural affairs.