The Cucumber Growers’ Association (CGA) completed its first ever Cucumber Week earlier this month.
The event was organised in north-east England as a trial for nationwide roll out in 2010.
Activity kicked off at Cottingham Day in east Yorkshire on July 4.
Rob Jacobson, secretary and communications officer of the association, said: “This was a fun day for children with a human cucumber - Stan the Cucumber Man - and the introduction of cucumber superhero our own Captain Cucumber, plus a competition for all age groups to decorate cucumbers. This was a huge success, with 220 entries.
“In addition, we offered recipes, cucumber tasting and generally raised awareness about locally produced, healthy food.”
The association also worked with Slimming World at the show to capitalise on recent publicity surrounding cucumbers’ ability to help dieters slim down.
The work continued during the week with promotions at local supermarkets and culminated with a nursery open day at Halsham Farms, also in east Yorkshire on July 11, when members of the public were invited to see how cucumbers are grown.
Jacobson said: “This was also very successful. Stands by BCP, Leo Ammerlaan and CGA created much interest while visitors awaited their tour of the glasshouses, and we provided a series of 10 guided tours for groups of 10-20 visitors during the three-hour open day.
“Each tour started in a recently planted crop and then rapidly moved on 20 days.” l