The fresh produce and ornamentals supply chains in Europe have made an urgent call for lasting solutions to the problem of poor availability of crop protection products.

A conference was organised jointly in Brussels by 10 organisations from across the continent including Freshfel Europe, Copa-Cogeca and the European Crop Protection Association and held on 7 November. There, some 120 delegates agreed that they need “concrete investment solutions and proper investment schemes to support minor uses and speciality crops” according to a statement they issued jointly.

These minor uses apply particularly to fresh produce and cut-flower lines and conference organisers invited representatives from the European Commission to hear their pleas. Delegates at the gathering agreed that an EU minor-use programme must be introduced including an EU database to ensure exchange of information among member states as well as greater use of mutual recognition of active substances among them.

Luc Peeters, chairman of the plant-health group within Copa-Cogeca spoke on behalf of all 10 groups: “This conference offered a clear understanding of the situation and problems the whole agri-food chain is facing. We look forward to seeing the European Commission take the only appropriate steps forward, which should be reflected in its next reported expected next month. This is a unique opportunity we cannot afford to miss.”