

Mack Multiples, part of the Fresca Group, has announced that Janina Dowding has taken on responsibility for the company’s grape business from Dan Crooks, who is leaving the role after 13 years. Dowding has been commercial director of Mack Multiples’s stonefruit department since 2008 and will retain the responsibility for stonefruit and melons.

Nigel Trood, managing director of Mack Multiples, said: “The grape business at Mack has been, and must continue to be, the cornerstone of our retailer offer. The marketplace is increasingly competitive and to retain our leading position we must evolve how we work.

"I believe that Janina Dowding is perfectly placed to help us achieve our goals and continue to trade successfully in line with everything our business stands for. We must focus on our growers and on adding genuine value and generating greater opportunity for their businesses. We must work less in departmental isolation and more as a team, helping our retail customers grow their sales and share.”