Scotland’s crofters are to use their unique heritage to create a new brand that cashes-in on the boom in ‘locavores’.

The unique crofting way of life is seen as a model of sustainability with small-scale production in tune with its surroundings.

The scheme, which will be launched in September, is the brainchild of the Scottish Crofting Foundation (SCF).

It will be available only for produce from registered crofts and SCF members.

The SCF says the project will increase crofters' confidence in their produce and way of life, encourage production, add value to an ‘often undervalued’ product, ensure a fairer price for small producers and help to maintain the continuity of crofting.

“The demand for local food is growing rapidly and is well in excess of the supply,” opines Donald Murdie, the SCF's land use project manager, “So there is a gap there to be filled and we think crofters are in a unique position to exploit that gap.”

The labelling will not just identify products as coming from the crofting counties but from individual crofters, giving full contact details.

“In my own case, we are selling locally-produced strawberries at something like a 50 percent premium over supermarket strawberries purely by virtue of it being local.”