Crimbo cheer for JO Sims

Importer JO Sims has reported soaring demand for both its cranberry and date imports.

Dates have moved on a long way from being a pack that sits in the fruit bowl at Christmas to being available all year round, but the festive period still rates as the highest selling period. “More people are becoming aware of Medjool dates, which JO Sims markets, and demand is on the up,” said Jon Clark of the Spalding-based importer.

JO Sims will also import more than 300 million cranberries during this festive season. The US cranberry harvest is approximately eight per cent down in volume this year, but Ocean Spray and JO Sims will be shipping in more than they did last year for the UK market to meet the increasing demand for the product and the potential shortfall others will have in the marketplace.

This year, JO Sims will market organic cranberries to key UK retailers for the second successive year. “Last year saw the launch of this product into retail stores, albeit in small volumes, and it gained a popular following,” said Clark.