Photo courtesy of Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association

Photo courtesy of Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association

Growers in the US’s largest cranberry growing state of Wisconsin are on track to produce their second biggest crop on record.

The harvest has started slightly later than usual due to unseasonably cool conditions in July and August. Tom Lochner, executive director of the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers’ Association told freshinfo: “Although July and August were cooler than normal, September was warmer and growers have been able to make up on size.” Producers were also waiting for colour to come out in their fruit, but that has happened now and so the harvest is in full swing.

Lochner added: “In terms of volume, we are down n the record crop of 440 million pounds, but the forecast for this year is still some 400 million lbs - the second-highest yield on record.”

He also reported that grower numbers are largely stable in the state, which supplies more than half of global cranberry demand. Some 25-30 per cent of the crop is exported and about five per cent of the total volume is destined for the fresh market.

Based on recent projections from within the cranberry industry in Wisconsin, the state has the opportunity to produce an additional 100 million to 150 million pounds of cranberries in the next five to 10 years to help meet the increased global demand.