The fortification of organic cranberries with Omega-3 oil is the beginning of a trend that the fresh produce industry must heed, the chairman of the organic milk producers’ association has said.

US firm Decas Cranberry products has fortified sweetened organic cranberries with omega-3 in order “to meet consumers’ ever-changing needs” sales and market director John Wankewicz said in a statement.

“This is indicative of what is happening in the market now,” said Nick Saphir, chairman of the organic milk producers’ association, who also has strong links with the UK fresh produce industry. The association has discovered in its research that organic milk is also rich in omega 3 because of the cows’ diet. “People are putting scientific labels to why something is healthy and if that can’t be done naturally then they are trying to add something to their product. I believe we will start to see lots of claims being made for natural products,” said Saphir.

But he warned that while the market is just at the beginning of this trend, the fresh produce industry should be prepared in order to gain from any potential consumer backlash whereby the public would rather choose the natural products over those which have been added to.

“The fruit and vegetable industry should spend resources looking into what claims they can make themselves,” warned Saphir. “With 5 A Day we have a scientific belief in eating a balance of fruit and vegetables that it is good for you, but the industry is going to have to be able to start proving it. The cranberry industry has always been very good at this and pushing the health angle. Consumers are soon going to be bombarded by these claims and the fresh produce industry must be prepared.”
