New Covent Garden Market has launched the second year of its Feeling Good, Eating Well schools project with a new website, and has welcomed new schools on board.

The aim of the site is to keep the nine local schools taking part in the initiative in touch. It gives them information about the scheme, as well as allowing them to create their own blog and post questions to Wandsworth gardening advisers, and network with the other schools.

One of the new schools to take part is Linden Lodge, a special school for children with visual impairment, so the website has been designed with Wandsworth’s Children’s Services to make it more accessible. As the mouse hovers over an icon various icons an audible message describes what is shown on the screen. This project has been developed in partnership with Wandsworth Children’s Services, Widehorizons Outdoor Centres and Farming And Countryside Education (FACE).

In addition to Linden Lodge, the market is also working with a secondary school this year, extending the message about healthy eating into an older age group.

The aim is to help connect the children with fresh fruit and vegetables and the concept of healthy eating, as well as giving them the opportunity to learn about farming and the countryside. As an added feature for this year there will also be an emphasis on sustainability and enterprise.
