Sweets and crisps on the checkouts of Scottish convenience stores are to be replaced with apples and oranges, as part of health bosses’ plans to clean up the nations diet.

Health minister Andy Kerr has outlined details to allow 5,000 c-stores and independent retailers to sell the healthy option and boost their profits.

A pilot project has already yielded impressive results, with one shop selling sales of fruit and vegetables rise by 400 per cent after moving the produce nearer the tills.

Experts said the traditional “pester-power” of children was just as effective when it came to apples and oranges as it is to chocolates and fizzy drinks.

Six-month trials took place at Morning Noon and Night, the David Sands chain, Aberness Foods, CJ Lang and Sons and Botterills

One promotion featuring free orange juice and an item of fruit with every sandwich increased sales by 50 per cent in one retailer.

The Scottish Executive targeted the c-store sector in a bid to reach the less-affluent areas of Scotland.
