The Costa Rica melon grower that detected salmonella in cantaloupes destined for the US market, forcing a recall by marketer Dole Fresh Fruit Co, has branded the incident an accident and insists the correct procedures are in place to ensure it does not happen again.

Dole recalled around 6,100 cartons of cantaloupes in North America, after grower Costeña SA found the infection during routine tests. Two of 11 pallets that were due to be shipped under the Dole brand tested positive for salmonella.

There have been no reports of illness due to the contaminated cantaloupes, said Costeña owner Eliécer Araya. “This happened in our first week of production, when fruit was destined only to the North American market; our programme for Europe began in the third week of production.

“We have redoubled efforts to monitor that this does not happen.

“After an exhaustive review we suspect that the reason could be the use of some plastic baskets used in the pre-cooling of fruit destined for North America.

“We are deeply sorry about this issue, which we consider…merely accidental. It is necessary to understand that it is impossible to work under conditions of total asepsis in any agricultural activity, and that an accident can happen at any moment.

“In our farm we strictly follow the protocols of EurepGAP and Tesco Nature’s Choice. Those who know our work and who we are, have perfect knowledge of our responsible conscience. [It is] not by accident that one of the companies that I direct was the first melon producing company in Latin America that obtained EurepGAP accreditation,” said Araya.