Sarah Cooper, director Coopers Produce, Oliver Kay from Oliver Kay and David Simmons, director Coopers Produce JPG

Sarah Cooper, director Coopers Produce, Oliver Kay from Oliver Kay and David Simmons, director Coopers Produce JPG

Coopers Produce, a new name in the fresh produce foodservice sector has won its first major contract.

The company has signed a £12 million annual procurement contract with one of the country’s leading fresh produce catering suppliers, Oliver Kay Ltd.

Coopers is sourcing fresh produce from the UK, Europe, North Africa and the southern hemisphere.

Sarah Cooper; partner at Coopers Produce comments: “It’s a great start for us to be awarded such a significant contract. Collectively the partners have over 80 years experience in the fresh produce industry. I believe the partnership has the strength and professionalism to take on the challenges of the foodservice industry.

“Our collective backgrounds mean we can provide the same benefits and experience of a larger company, but with the ‘hands on’ dedication associated with a growing business.”

Cooper started her career at Cheshire Produce and remained in the business after its acquisition by Redbridge Caterfresh in 1999. She is joined by business partner, David Simmons, who has over 30 years experience within the catering supply industry. Simmons started his purchasing career in the fresh wholesale markets, before moving into the catering supply industry in 1972. He has held a senior procurement position for some 25 years.

The business will also benefit from the experience of Tony McDonald, the founder of Cheshire Produce, who will be acting in an advisory role to the key partners.

Coopers Produce operates from a 49,000 square foot, purpose-built, refrigerated distribution centre. The company offers a fully refrigerated national distribution service.