Cool summers hit gras output

UK asparagus production is likely to fall on recent season averages this year due to poor weather over the last two summers.

Adrian Barlow, who is acting as a consultant on behalf of the asparagus industry in the UK, said: “Unfortunately, we have had two very poor summers in a row and the view in the industry is that there will be a lack of production, as a lack of sunshine over extended periods can have a detrimental effect. We are therefore not expecting a bumper crop this year.”

Nevertheless, Barlow added that if light levels and temperatures pick up in the coming weeks this could help make up some of the shortfall. He said: “The crop is very temperature-sensitive so it is difficult to be precise as to an exact start date, but we expect the major bulk of production to come on stream in the last week of April and go through to about June 20.”

Barlow added that the UK industry is extremely focused on taste and that this would not be compromised in any efforts to extend the season.

The production base in the UK has also invested heavily in new techniques and acreage, as well as new varieties. There are also more growers coming into the business every year, as the asparagus industry benefits from an uplift in the demand for local produce and import replacement.

Public relations work by Pam Lloyd Associates on behalf of the industry is helping to spiral market penetration.

Barlow said: “According to TNS figures, penetration in 2002 was just three per cent of households - this rose to 14.5 per cent in 2007 and although it fell back to 12.4 per cent last year, the sole reason was the bad weather. The fact that penetration is up four times shows that the industry is getting its message across.

“That message, especially this year, is that UK asparagus is a luxury, but it is an affordable luxury. I think penetration figures of 20 per cent are an achievable target in the future.”

Barlow has been talking to the multiple retailers in advance of the season this year and is hoping to link the promotion of asparagus with wines in store.
