Almost a fifth of people who use convenience stores shop there at least once a day and 59 per cent use them at least twice a week, according to the latest research from IGD.
In the IGD’s Small store shopper research, the body found that average these shoppers make around three trips a week to a convenience store.
IGD predicts that the convenience market will be worth £42.6 billion by 2015, up a third from its current value.
IGD ceo Joanne Denney-Finch said: “The main consumer trends that will contribute to this growth include a growing population, less meal planning, more people missing meals at home and a desire to shop locally
“As more and more people live in urban areas nearer convenience stores, retailers and suppliers need to ensure they are aware of the changing profile of their catchment area. And they will have to adapt their product range and merchandising accordingly.”
The report also found that 35-54 year olds and those from AB socio-economic groups are more likely to use convenience stores to buy something for their evening meal while 15-24 year olds are more likely to buy lunch and snacks from this type of shop.