Convenience remains king with consumers, according to the Eisberg Group, exhibiting at Fruit Logistica for the first time this year.

The Swiss company was at the show to demonstrate its wide and varied range of convenience products.

Thomas Schneiter, chief executive officer, said the group has its origins in a farming enterprise established in 1932. Since then, the company has evolved into a modern business growing and processing salad products and vegetables.

The Eisberg Group now encompasses various companies that grow, process and market kitchen-ready products.

Operating from a number of sites it is able to supply its customers on time with fresh products, and at any time.

Schneiter said: “There is a steadily increasing awareness of the importance of correct nutrition. Convenience products from Eisberg offer a wide choice of healthy everyday foods that are designed to save time.

“By applying careful, rapid and hygienic processing methods we can ensure that our products maintain their freshness and their important natural vitamins.”