The Welsh Assembly government is currently seeking people’s views on the draft food strategy for Wales, Food from Wales 2010-2020.

To complement this, a series of regional consultation events will be held throughout Wales in September.

The draft strategy sets out a wide ranging vision of the place of food in Wales, with a view to develop a clear direction for the Welsh food industry to grow in a sustainable and profitable manner over the next 10 years.

Rural Affairs minister Elin Jones said: “Our new overarching food strategy for Wales will set a long-term, ambitious, and proactive agenda to address the challenges ahead for food and farming. It will include cross-cutting strategic issues such as health, food security, sustainability and rural development. I hope the public will engage with us on this consultation to make sure that the final strategy is one that represents the best possible way forward."

The consultation on the strategy ends on the 28 September.
