The Conservative Party is to complete a major review of agricultural and rural policies with a discussion at the Royal Show on July 3.

MP John Gummer will present initial recommendations from the Quality of Life report and highlight ideas relating to food and agriculture.

The full report covers a range of policy matters, including agriculture, food and rural issues, as well as policy formulation on the built environment, energy and transport.

The final version is expected to highlight the failings of Defra and its agencies in implementing rural and agriculture policy and CAP reform in particular, as well as flaws in rural planning and the democratic deficit in rural areas.

The Royal Show will take place at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, from July 1-4.

The Conservative Party is welcoming views and comments from those present at the show before the final submission is made by David Cameron.

Professor John Moverley, chief executive of the Royal Society, said: “We’re delighted that the Conservative party has chosen the Royal Show to complete this major rural policy review. It underlines the show’s role as the platform of choice for politicians of all parties to set their agendas that shapes the future of British agriculture.

“This report promises to be thought-provoking and I look forward to the ensuing debate.”
