The UK salad industry came out in force today [Wednesday], at a conference that highlighted its work to minimise the use of chemicals on crops.
The one-day event - Insecticide-free food: British salads leading the way - was organized by the Association of Applied Biologists and supported by the Cucumber Growers’ Association, the British Tomato Growers’ Association and the Horticultural Development Council. Participants included representatives of both the CGA and TGA, as well as top names from some of the UK’s leading salad companies.
Rob Jacobson, who is an IPM consultant, project manager for two HDC AYR projects, and involved at both the cucumber and tomato associations, told freshinfo: "If we consider the ultimate goal in pest management to be the cost-effective production of top quality produce in the absence of chemical pesticides, then there can be little doubt that UK cucumber, tomato and pepper growers have made greater progress than any other area of horticulture or agriculture worldwide. It is important that UK retailers and consumers are aware of their industry's total commitment to this goal."
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