Representatives of the World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) have highlighted the continuing significance of the continent’s wholesale market sector at a meeting with the European commissioner for the Health and Consumer Protection DG, Markos Kyprianou.

At a meeting in Thessalonica, Greece, Kyprianou met with WUWM vice chairman, Graham Wallace of Glasgow Markets; Athens Market ceo, Kouvelis Pantelis; and the Paris Rungis Market general secretary, Michel Ganneau.

The WUWM delegation told the commissioner that wholesale markets are directly involved in 40 per cent of European fruit and vegetable supply, accommodating more than 80,000 permanent operators, over 153,000 employees, and marketing more than 26 million tonnes of produce a year.

The meeting also discussed several health and safety issues, including the proposed revision of the definition of a wholesale market as given in the EU “hygiene package”. As the current definition does not take into account the existence of wholesale market authorities, WUWM has requested that a revised definition be introduced into future documents and regulations.

The WUWM Guide to Good Practice for Wholesale Market Authorities in the European Community was also discussed. The Guide was sent to SANCO in early 2006 and is currently being reviewed by the Standing Committee on Food Chain and Animal Health (SCFCAH) and EU member states. After completion of the review process, this WUWM document is likely to be considered the European Community Guide for the sector.
