The After School Allotment Club from All Saints Church of England School Chatham received first prize in the group category

The After School Allotment Club from All Saints Church of England School Chatham received first prize in the group category

The Kent Create a Fruit & Veg Masterpiece competition for schoolchildren reached its colourful conclusion as the brains behind the competition, Produced in Kent, hosted a fruity final and prize giving.

Produced in Kent (PiK) - owned and managed in partnership between Hadlow College and Kent County Council - held the awards ceremony at the college’s Broadview Gardens.

Judging the competition, Carl Warner, professional photographer and originator of the ‘Foodscape’, was faced with a really tough decision sorting the dozens of entries comprising fabulous and original photographic pictures made out of fruit and vegetables grown in Kent this summer.

The After School Allotment Club at All Saints Church of England Primary School in Chatham won first prize in the Hadlow College Broadview Centre-sponsored group category for the second year running.

Hadlow’s Katie Smith-Palomeque presented the prize of a large hamper, donated by Broadview Garden Centre, which was packed with gardening goodies including seeds and tools to enable the club to continue growing their own produce.

Julie Monkman from Produced in Kent said: “This has been a fantastic day and a great competition to really engage children creatively with locally grown seasonal produce. The Create a Fruit & Veg Masterpiece has been a superb way to celebrate the feast that is grown here in the ‘Garden of England’.”