Industry-sponsored promotion Eat in Colour (EiC) doubled its exposure in its second year, with an equivalent advertising value that represents a 500 per cent return on investment.
According to the team at the Fresh Produce Consortium’s campaign to increase fresh produce consumption, year-two results indicate that the EiC audience topped the 170 million mark over the last 12 months, which equates to a £1 million ad campaign, or a six-fold return on investment for the campaign’s sponsors.
Anthony Levy, chairman of the EiC board, said: “There’s so much more we can do to reach consumers and drive consumption. As well as taking some of the established themes in new directions, we have some brand new creative ideas for the third year of the campaign and we are hoping to inspire not only families and workers but also students and older folk to EiC.
“Of course, the current economic climate will see belts tightening, but we are going to make sure that fruit and vegetables are a key part of a wealth-, as well as health-conscious shopping list. Watch this space,” he added.
EiC is now entering the final 12 months of its scheduled three years, which will see the publication of findings from a topical consumer research project in FPJ next week and another initiative that Levy and his board hope will “leave a lasting legacy”.
Levy said: “EiC is reaching a broad cross-section of the population and driving home the message, in an accessible and relevant way, that fresh produce is a simple and satisfying choice. With the ear of so many shoppers, the campaign can only help to maintain and build sales across the whole sector.”