Myosotis Mon Amie Blue

Myosotis Mon Amie Blue

Ball Colegrave has unveiled a multitude of new varieties to support an increasing appetite for autumn colour at retail and in landscape bedding.

Antirrhinum Florini is described as a frost hardy, Autumn Patio Snapdragon. Its upright and bushy habit make for a large 1-3lt flowering pot from the end of August through to September.

Chrysanthemum Brand has been relaunched with no less than five colours, with no pinching or growth regulators required. Erysimum Citrona is said to be a highly fragrant new variety to grow alongside pansy production. It requires no vernalisation to initiate flower buds, meaning it will produce an abundance of bright flowers on a compact and busy plant in autumn as well as spring.

Matthiola Hot Cakes meanwhile is a first-of-its-kind double-flowered and selectable stock for the autumn, according to Colegrave, which added that this creates a whole new niche market, ‘taking bedding stocks into a premium pack and pot plant product.’ Plants are well branched, naturally dwarf with brightly coloured and highly fragrant blooms.

Elsewhere Colegrave regards Myosotis Mon Amie Blue as the world’s first reliable autumn flowering Myosotis. No vernalisation is needed, which means that Mon Amie can reliably be scheduled for autumn colour alongside pansy crops such as Panola, a development the firm believes opens up a whole new market for Autumn Myosotis sales and bedding schemes.
