unseasonably cold temperatures since the beginning of the year have caused availability of vegetables and salads from eastern and south-eastern Spain to plummet.

At exporters’ association Coexphal in Almería, president Manuel Galdeano estimates that cucumber and courgette production has fallen by 25 to 30 per cent on seasonal norms, as plant development has slowed. As a result, prices are strong as exporters work hard to secure product for their programmes.

Julien Taratay of exporter Agiveg in Valencia told FPJ: “Last week, we almost stopped altogether; there was no broccoli, capsicum or courgette, as temperatures were so low. This week it has warmed up, but we still need it a bit warmer, otherwise next week will be very difficult for supplies.”

But Taratay warned that any sudden leaps in temperatures would also be dangerous, a sentiment echoed by Andrés Góngora, secretary of producers’ association Coag, who said: “It is important that any changes are moderate so that we do not flood the market.” l