Co-operative Food in magazine launch

Co-operative Food is launching a bi-monthly in-store customer magazine and a bi-monthly digital magazine on 14 March.

The new magazine is being published by River and will have a one million print run. It will be available to customers of the retailer for free in all Co-operative food stores and other Co-op societies including Anglia Regional, Midlands and Midcounties.

Content will include simple meal ideas for less confident cooks and more complex recipes for the more experienced. It will also carry advertising from suppliers and will support the Co-op brand’s Good with Food and value messages.

Helen Nunn, head of marketing at The Co-operative Food, said: “The Co-operative Food magazine is a key element of our brand marketing programme to highlight our value proposition focused on delivering Big Deals Within Easy Reach.

“In-store magazines are proven to drive sales and our multi-channel approach will ensure maximum reach for our content by allowing us to communicate with our customers on a number of different levels.”
