Co-op compostable bags

The Co-op has promised to ensure a fair deal for suppliers in their new Future of Food report.

The retailer outlined several core commitments to the public in the report, titled The Future of Food: A recipe for sustainability, with health and fairness featuring prominently on its agenda for the next 12 years.

Co-op said it is continuing to bolster their Grower Groups, as well as rolling out their Farming Pioneers Programme, which will aim to support 100 farmers within their supply chain.

Jo Whitfield, retail chief executive said: “We’re proud to have worked closely with our suppliers and partners on the Future of Food ambition. Our members and communities play an important part too and together.

“Everyone needs to make small changes to achieve transformational change. These small steps, and our big ambitions will make a huge difference – the future of food is truly in our hands and I look forward to Co-op leading the way on driving positive change. “

The report’s key commitments to suppliers are to “ensure a fair deal and resilient livelihoods for everyone in our supply chain”.

The company listed further supplier pledges:

·We will campaign for the rights of the people who produce our food, with a focus on vulnerable workers and empowering women.

·We will be leaders in tackling global water poverty.

·We will engage and empower our producers and suppliers through co-operation and collaboration.

The Co-op also said they would be “bringing to life the stories of the people who produce Co-op food” through their marketing campaigns.

The Co-op’s report gave detail on their environmental targets, after signing up to anti-waste charity Wrap’s food waste roadmap, which seeks to halve farm to fork waste by 2030.

·We’ll report publically on food waste in our operations in 2019.

·Over half of our stores will be partnered with local charities through Co-op Food Share by 2020.

·Co-op commit to working in partnership with our suppliers to reduce food waste in our supply chain.

·We will help our customers to reduce food waste at home.

Breige Donaghy, director of delicious food said: 'The food industry plays a key part in shaping how the planet and the people that live on it are sustained. Collectively we are facing huge challenges and the future of food globally is at risk if we don’t act together to drive positive change.

'Our members and customers want to see that change too. They tell us that recyclable packaging, honest labelling, healthy eating, tackling food waste and British sourcing are important to them. Which is why we’re focusing on these areas and more to 2030 and beyond.'