The Co-op’s director of food retail marketing, Debbie Robinson, will speak at next month’s Re:fresh Conference.

The theme of Re:fresh 2009 is ‘Beyond the Big Four’, as the event takes a look at sales opportunities that exist outside the four leading supermarkets in the UK. The Co-op, having acquired Somerfield, is the undisputed number five and Robinson will look back at a momentous year for the retailer and forward to the opportunities that lie ahead for suppliers and The Co-op itself.

Robinson joins MasterChef’s Gregg Wallace, celebrity chef Rachel Green, minister of state for DEFRA Jane Kennedy MP and representatives from the wholesale, foodservice and c-store sectors for what promises to be an entertaining and thought-provoking day.

Go to to buy your delegate ticket, and bring a colleague, supplier or customer for free by taking advantage of our BOGOF offer.
