Freshfel believes reform of the fruit and vegetable regime should also enhance and complement actions in other key policy areas, most notably nutrition and promotion as well as food safety and quality, communication, and international trade.
“To address the lagging consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, Freshfel urges the Commission to provide adequate instruments and sufficient resources to promote the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, and to improve their availability,” the Freshfel submission reads. “For example, by stimulating foodservice providers to offer more fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, the association advocates the development of measures to educate younger generations on why and how to consume fresh fruits and vegetables”.
The organisation, which groups all the major fresh produce associations in the EU, is also urging the Commission to prevent the misuse of the image of freshness and health unique to fresh produce by other sectors.
In its paper Freshfel expresses disappointment that the Commission’s proposal ignores the need to stimulate exports to third countries and proposes its own three-tiered export strategy focusing on plant-health access barriers, WTO-compatible competitiveness enhancement and promotion. “The CMO should work as a catalyst and provide the framework for such an all-encompassing EU strategy for fresh fruit and vegetables exports,” the Freshfel document states.
Meanwhile, in its submission Copa-Cogeca called for producer organizations to remain as the cornerstone of the fruit and vegetable regime. “And they should have tools at their disposal to balance the increasingly stronger market power of the retail sector,” said secretary general Franz-Josef Feiter. “Appropriate measures should be taken to provide POs with the necessary resources to concentrate supply and to give them the flexibility to choose the most appropriate way of financing their investments.
Copa-Cogeca also believes that in new member states, the number of POs remains too low. “More aid for the setting-up and administration of preliminarily, recognised producer groups should be granted,” said Feiter.
“Community markets are under strong pressure due to the increase in imports and difficulties on the export market. Market crises have a negative impact on producers’ incomes. Therefore, the safety net should be kept within the CMO, entirely financed by Community funds and implemented via POs.”