CMi Certification has launched a new logo to allow registered growers to promote the fact that they have been certified through a CMi auditing process.
The b2b logo will offer users the opportunity to publicise all of the standards they are certified under one, harmonised banner. “The number of standards out there has made publicising achievements very complex,” said David Richardson, CMi Certification managing director.
“We have carried out more than 8,000 EurepGAP certifications, we do BRC, Tesco Nature’s Choice, IFS and others. If you use all of those logos on your boxes or vans they become wallpaper. Now that we are a clear market leader in this field, CMi - Registered Supplier becomes meaningful. People want to publicise the fact that they have been certified by CMi.
The logo will be applicable to companies certified to any of the wide range of standards covered by CMi auditors, with interested parties then able to click into a website that tells them for which of the standards the company has been certified.
“What we want the logo to do for the user is make the initial connection, but it is then incumbent on the reader of the logo to make further enquiries. That is when the further detail will kick in,” said Richardson.
The logo was given an airing at Fruit Logistica last week and attracted a lot of interest, he added. CMi carries out audits in more than 50 countries world-wide and has in-country offices in 15.
“We have a more robust business now and the more robust the mechanism, the more the need to support it. This is effectively a brand, saying you can see what we do, now find out more,” he said.