The Country Land and Business Association has called for an extension of the debate on local sourcing.

“Changes to food procurement processes are needed to help food producers maximise their potential and to give everyone working in the public sector the chance to enjoy locally produced food,” said the organisation’s deputy president Henry Aubrey-Fletcher at the Royal Show this week.

“With a market of £2 billion being spent by public sector bodies on food and catering services, we believe there has never been a better time for producers to get involved in supplying good quality, local produce to the public sector.

“The complexities involved in securing food procurement contracts can be both confusing and debilitating,” he continued. “But the CLA’s message is simple. We have the chance of working together in co-operation to ensure that the ultimate customer, the consumer, is able to enjoy the fruits of the countryside, whether they work in education, the armed forces or for the NHS.”