José Barres Gabarda

José Barres Gabarda

The president of the regulatory council for PGI Citricos Valencianos has said the entire supply chain is accountable for the prices crisis in the Spanish citrus sector.

José Barres Gabarda said: “In this situation of ruinous prices, the entire sector must take responsibility. It has to remain firm and unified so as not to sell fruit for at rock-bottom prices. We must also remember that as well as the large supermarket chains, traders and wholesalers must also take responsibility for this dreadful season.”

He said: “The citrus sector in the Valencia region needs to be truly united in the face of a crisis such as the one we are going through. It needs to act like a true sector lobby group to achieve unity in supply and so that producers can achieve added value on their returns.”

Barres said the whole sector needs to “join forces to regulate supply and consolidate it much better” and take action to kick-start an increase in promotion though effective marketing and communications activities in Spain and abroad.
