The Spanish organisation has promoted its products in 15 countries this past season at a cost of ?8.5million. The campaigns have focused on the health-giving properties of the fruit and according to follow-up research, targeting specific groups of consumers is also paying off.
Citrus export figures this past season speak for themselves: an eight per cent increase on the previous year to 3.4 million tonnes. And a higher percentage of the total crop of 5.6mt was exported than in previous seasons.
Consumption in non-EU export destinations shot up 10 per cent and sendings to Germany defied expectation recording an increase on 2001-02 despite economic recession.
But Intercitrus is not resting on its laurels and according to president José Gascó will be redoubling efforts to the US market in the upcoming season as well as working towards the opening of the Japanese and Chinese markets to its products. The addition of several new members of the EU will also favour Spanish citrus exports.