Christmas tree information deemed illegal

Danish Christmas tree growers have got the needle, having been charged under the country's competition laws of trying to fix prices.

It is a case of third time unlucky for the Danish Christmas Tree Growers' Association, which has been slapped with the charge after two previous warnings from Denmark's competition authority, in 2001 and 2005.

The association representing the £125 million Danish industry was pulled up after it sent out price guidelines to members, urging them not to undercut eachother. Prices of Nordmann firs are 25 per cent higher this year.

There has been a decrease in the number of grower, in response to damaging overproduction in the 1990s, and prices have also been sent skywards by heavy demand from Eastern Europe.

Association director Kaj Oestergaard Kaj Oostergaard, has accused “some wholesalers of trying to shut our mouth".

The association compiles statistics on what money its members make and helps them calculate growing costs. “The education of our members is not illegal and nor is sending out figures,” he said.