Potato sales saw a record boost during National Chip Week (11-17 February).

During an intensive week long promotional campaign, sales rose with six major retailers, including Co-op stores seeing all varieties rise by 85 per cent.

The British Potato Council (BPC) generated news coverage for chips in hundreds of newspapers and on many radio programmes.

Kathryn Race, BPC marketing manager, said: 'This served as a real boost to the GB potato industry. A two-pronged radio campaign reached almost 10 million listeners in 18 key areas. Celebrity chef Brian Turner, through radio interviews, helped spread the core message about chips. In addition, a commercial radio promotion offered 'free' chip lunches.' At the core of Chip Week was an extensive campaign to reassure the public they do not need to feel guilty about eating chips – saying a portion of fish and chips has three times less fat than it's main competitor: chicken tikka masala.