Chileans set for average avo year

Chilean avocado volumes are to level out in 2010/11 after a bumper crop last year, while promotions step up a gear.

The production of Chilean Hass avocados is set to reduce slightly this season in comparison to the record 2009/10 crop which led to worldwide exports of 195m tonnes.

“We expect a reduction of 30 per cent since avocados are a cyclical crop - one year volume is high and the next it’s low,” Adolfo Ochagavía, chairman of the Chilean Hass Avocado Committee, told SIMfruit.

The export panorama will also change in 2010/11, with more fruit headed for the national market compared with previous seasons.

According to Ochagavía, the opening and development of markets remains the Chilean avocado industry’s greatest challenge.

As a result, (and taking into consideration the smaller crop) Ochagavía said total exports in 2010/11 are forecast to reach 135-145m tonnes.

This season, the committee will also roll out marketing promotions in Germany for the first time.

“Europe continues to present an important market for us, and this year we will also place special emphasis on Argentina too,” revealed Ochagavía.