A 20-person delegation led by the Chilean Exporters Association, ASOEX, will be among the many thousands of visitors to the 12th annual Fruit Logistica Fair held in Berlin, February 5 to 7.
Viewed as Europe’s most important fresh fruit and vegetable fair, Fruit Logistica last year attracted nearly 16,000 visitors - more than half from outside of Germany. The event’s organisers say attendance at this year’s event will break all previous records and will require a 20 per cent expansion (to 36,000 square meters) of the fair’s display and booth areas (see this Friday’s Fresh Produce Journal for a full preview).
“Fruit Logistica is a lot like the PMA that is held in the United States,” said Rene Wunkhaus, European market manager for Copefrut SA (Curico). “And since Europe receives about 43 per cent of our company’s fresh fruit exports, it is important for us to be at an event like Fruit Logistica.”
Francisco Correa, export director at Exportadora Ben David SA (Buin) and another member of the Chilean delegation, agreed: “Like all conventions of this type, Fruta Logistica is a good chance to be with our clients from all over Europe. There are always new things to learn about, new technology and market opportunities.”
Both men and the companies they represent have developed a habit of going to the Fruit Logistica fair, but for Alfredo Chimenti, a Talagante-based grower who is launching his own export company this season together with his son, Alfredo Jr, it will be a first visit to the fair.
“We are just beginning our export business this season, and expect to deal mostly with the UK and Germany,” said Alfredo Chimenti Jr. “So we are taking our general manager and two of our growers - one devoted to stonefruit and the other to table grapes. I expect we will learn a great deal there. Not only will be make contacts with potential clients, but we will also get up to date on the new EurepGAP certification program, something essential if we expect to be doing business in Europe.”
Chileans believe the presence of newcomers from Central and Eastern European countries who will soon join the European Union is especially noteworthy at Fruit Logistica. The displays by the EU candidate countries will be attracting special attention and their fresh produce will provide a "foretaste" of the expanded single European market.
Chile ‘s increased presence is typical of a Latin American exhibitor influx at the event. This year’s "featured exhibitor" is Brazil, which, together with Argentina, will be occupying substantially increased stand space.