Chilean apricot forecast down

According to figures released by Chilean market analyst Decofrut, exports of apricots from Chile are forecast to fall by some 20 per cent on last season.

Estimates suggest that the total export crop will pack out to 2,135 tonnes this season. The main reason for the decline is a lack of cold units in some orchards that affected fruit set and in other orchards frost damage and, in some cases, disease.

Growers have indicated that the lower volume they are expecting will lead to larger fruit size, which could act as an incentive for consumption.

The US is far and away the largest market for Chile’s apricots and Europe accounts for just nine per cent of sendings compared to the US’s 77 per cent share in 2008-09.

Exporters from the South American country will be especially vigilant this season following problems with condition at the end of last season in consignments to the US.