Chile welcomes avocado world

Adolfo Ochagavía

Adolfo Ochagavía

Chile welcomed more than 1,000 members of the international avocado industry this week, as it hosted the sixth World Avocado Congress.

The event, in Viña del Mar on November 12 to 16, saw delegates from 22 countries brought together to discuss developments and future prospects for avocados.

In his opening address, Adolfo Ochagavía, president of the Chilean Hass Avocado Association, said avocado production is increasing and that consumption is rising around the world.

According to the FAO, there were 3.29 million tonnes of avocados produced in 2005 - a five per cent increase on 2003 - while consumption in major markets such as the US and Europe continues to show steady growth.

The congress, held every four years, provided an open forum for those involved in avocado production to share information. This year saw a particular emphasis on collaborating on the successful promotion of avocados to develop key markets.