Flame Seedless grapes

Flame Seedless grapes

Limited supplies of grapes to the US and cherries to Europe from Chile have meant early prices have been riding high.

Strong prices for early sendings at the start of the season in November have not fallen away, and in the case of Flame Seedless have increased, in some cases almost doubling on levels seen at the same point in the season last year.

And blueberries and cherries are also enjoying stronger pricing at 30 and 50 per cent up on last season respectively. The season is running slightly behind last season, with sendings of cherries two weeks ago some 39 per cent down on the same point in 2008-09, according to industry insiders.

But producers’ association Fedefruta’s president Rodrigo Echeverría warned: “Remember, that the start of the season only accounts for about 20 per cent of total volumes. We will see the reality of the situation between January and March.”