Luis Schmidt, president of Fedefruta, welcomed delegates to Chile and congratulated Chilean producers for their continued efforts in the fresh produce industry, at the International Roundtable Business Conference in Santiago.

Schmidt believes that the industry must continue to work hard and not take things for granted. He said: “Free trade agreements signed with the US, Europe and Korea are key to the industry's future. Last year 1.93 million tonnes were exported to over 70 countries, amounting to around $1.65 billion. We must continue to strengthen our competiveness.”

Schmidt believes that more training is required for people involved in the fruit and vegetable industry, as the training of individuals is key to the future. The international meeting provides a good opportunity for future success and will provide great trade opportunities,” he said.

Hugo Lavados, director of Pro Chile echoed these sentiments. He said: “I'm looking forward to seeing the sustained development of our exports through the use of the most adequate trade channels.”

Chilean agriculture minister Jaimè Campos argued that consumers are increasingly more demanding and this must be recognised. He said: “We must maintain our position we cannot afford to lag behind our competitors will gain ground at our expense.”