A five-week marketing effort will see in-store tasting, special point-of-sale material and consumer public relations activity at the major multiples starting in May.
The focus of the campaign, which is being organised for the second successive year by NMG Consulting on behalf of the California Cherry Advisory Bureau, will be the flagship variety Bing, which comes on stream towards the end of the month.
But the first varieties to arrive in the UK will be of Brooks and Tulare which are expected early in May. The UK is the fourth largest market for the Californian fruit behind Japan, Canada and Taiwan. Last season saw imports from the Golden State spiral: up 84 per cent on the previous year to 458t, some 56,000 boxes.
Fruit is packed loose in 18lb boxes, but consumer packs are also available.
'We had a terrific season last year, and are looking to capitalise on this success with more promotions and in-store activity,' said Neil Gordon of NMG Consulting. 'We have several multiple retailers on board already, but we are still looking for major retailers who want to enhance their fresh produce displays and take advantage of extra fresh fruit sales.'