A new initiative aimed at getting affordable fruit and vegetables to residents of Southport will be launched this month. The scheme, which has been organised by the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) and the Brighter Living Partnership, will offer residents bags of fruit, vegetables and salad products at a lower price than retail to encourage healthy eating.

Research has found that people in North Sefton eat fewer fruit and vegetables than average and that the reason may be down to cost. The bags, which will consist of local produce where possible, will be sold to residents for £2.50, rather than the average £4 retail equivalent.

The scheme is set to launch at St Simon & St Jude’s Church on January 16, and will take place every Wednesday from then on.

Ian Mitchell of the Brighter Living Partnership, an organisation that sets out to tackle health inequalities within the Southport and Formby area, said: “This is a great opportunity for residents of North Sefton to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables, and to work towards the 5 A DAY target in accordance with Sefton Primary Care Trust guidance.”