
The CGTA's annual dinner dance took place at central London hotel The Lancaster

Covent Garden Tenants Association (CGTA) has raised over £50,000 for two charities at its annual dinner dance event.

Over 400 guests attended the evening of glitz and glamour, held at the Lancaster Hotel in central London, where bone marrow transplant charity Anthony Nolan and Clapham-based Trinity Hospice both received a cheque for £25,708.

CGTA chair Gary Marshall said: “During my time as chair we have, through the support of tenants, customers and suppliers to New Covent Garden, raised nearly £600,000.”

Henny Braund, CEO of Anthony Nolan, said: “The CGTA has made an incredible impact on our work through the money they have raised. These vital funds will help us recruit many more donors to our register and carry out lifesaving research to save the lives of people with blood cancer. Every pound they have raised help save lives and we cannot thank them enough.”

Anthony Nolan matches blood stem cells or bone marrow donors to people who need lifesaving transplants. Trinity Hospice is the UK’s oldest hospice and provides free palliative care in south London.