CGTA hands over £20,000 to charity

Covent Garden Tenants’ Association raised over £20,000 for two charities at its annual dinner dance.

Both Trinity Hospice and the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust received a cheque for £10,360 and a £50 voucher from television program Ready Steady Cook, which featured CGTA chairman Gary Marshall earlier this year.

The cash was handed over last week. Left to Right:

Pictured left to right are: Peter Fowler (president CGTA), Julie Aldrigde (Trinity Hospice), Jason Tanner (vice chairman CGTA), Stephen McEwan (ANBMT), Gary Marshall (chairman CGTA) and Hannah Simpson (Trinity Hospice).

Supporting both causes for many years, the association has raised over £100,000 for the two charities to date.
