Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) and its development partner Vinci St Modwen (VSM) released the first image of the layout for the market at New Covent Garden at a presentation to tenants last week.

A spokeswoman for CGMA explained: “This image shows the overall site layout for the new market, but there are many design elements which will be refined in discussion with our tenants. A series of working groups are being set up to start this process and the plan will be finalised over the next year.”

There has been a long period during procurement, and more recently during a legal challenge brought by one of the bidders that lost out in the tendering process, when the authority has not been able to discuss the project with tenants.

The spokeswoman added: “This is the start of a new phase and we look forward to working together to deliver a modern market that will be the focus for food and flowers in London.”

Building is now expected to start in 2015 following approval of VSM’s revised and improved planning application. However, the tenants still have some outstanding issues. Gary Marshall, chairman of the Covent Garden Market Tenants’ Association (CGTA) said: “There was a massive turnout from the tenants – wholesalers and foodservice operators – as well as their customers and suppliers.

“Sadly there has been a negative response from most tenants and I have written to the new chair of the CGMA [Pam Alexander] to say that we were unhappy with the presentation.

“No one likes change, but at the moment we have concerns in particular on the decant strategy and on traffic movements and customer parking in the completed development. It is the intention of the CGTA to work fully with the development partner and the new chair of the CGMA to see where we can get to. But it is vital that the CGMA recognises its responsibility is to the market and not to become an estate agent.”
