Chief executive Jan Lloyd

Baroness Brenda Dean

Baroness Brenda Dean

Baroness Brenda Dean has accepted a second three-year term as chairman of Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA), starting on April 1.

The appointment was made by Jeff Rooker, minister for sustainable farming and food and animal welfare. CGMA is responsible to Defra for the ownership and operation of the market. In 2006, with the support of Defra, Dean announced the start of a two-year programme to agree how to replace the market’s 30-year-old infrastructure with modernised facilities.

Over the next three years, Dean is expected to steer the authority towards the redevelopment of New Covent Garden Market, to secure its long-term future.

Over the last 18 months, the redevelopment programme has progressed well, and CGMA is working on a case to present to the treasury this spring.

Rooker said: “Baroness Dean’s enormous energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the market have allowed it to move from strength to strength in the three years she has been chair. The department is thrilled that Baroness Dean has accepted our offer, and we look forward to seeing the redevelopment project move forward under her leadership.”

Alongside Dean, CGMA chief executive Jan Lloyd has a newly negotiated contract that sees her committed to the market over the next critical stages of the redevelopment project, including the appointment of a private development partner. Lloyd, who has been chief executive since 2005, has led the reorganisation of the authority’s structures, systems and culture, resulting in a strong financial performance and the highest tenancy occupancy levels for many years. She has also developed strong relations with the market community, forged a more customer service-focused approach, and raised the wider profile of the market.

Dean said: “I was honoured to be invited to serve another term and it is with great excitement that I have accepted this reappointment.

“I am also delighted that Jan will also remain in her role, so that we can build on the stability we have created over the last three years of working together.”
