The Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA) is to embark on the first of a three-year project with the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) in April to boost local sourcing.
The project is intended to strengthen the links between wholesalers and growers by engineering face-to-face meetings in which both ends of the supply chain can compare experiences and share ideas, CGMA information officer Helen Evens told freshinfo.
She added: “There must be more communication between wholesalers and growers, who need to be reminded that there are other channels for distribution other than retail. By inviting growers to come to the market and have a bacon buttie with the traders, we can encourage them to talk to and learn from each other.”
The initiative comes as the CGMA completed the first stage of its redevelopment plan.
Chairman Brenda Dean told guests at the CGMA annual reception last week: “Last year, we were full of promises, but now, with the help of Defra, we have moved on a step.
“We want to create a market that is operationally and financially sustainable. Our tenants deserve better that what we are giving them at the moment.
“Some tenants were cynical to start, and you can’t blame them because they have been promised change for 20 years, but we have been working with them over the last six months and the important thing is that we are taking one step forward and maintaining it.
“The next step is to put together a business plan for the regeneration of Covent Garden.”
The CGMA plans to have a firm proposal in place by 2008-09.